Velour Amsterdam
High end quality items for men and women — Boutiques
in a nutshell...
Velour Amsterdam is a conceptstore for men and women in the 9 streets of Amsterdam.
Besides the Swedish preppy feelgood label Velour the assortment is enriched with highly selected brands which supplement the Velour feeling. Sunglasses, shoes, perfumes, watches, underwear and even fine wash are in the assortment.
The overall design concept of Velour embraces a classic preppy look with traditional garments redesigned in a new stylish, yet effortless, way. We call this "feel good preppy". This style contains Swedish west coast influences and addresses curious individuals who have an interest in trends but, unlike the fashion slave, are reflective and make their own interpretation.
Besides Velour we sell: Han Kjobenhavn, Bass Weejuns, Ganni, Sandqvist, Clarks originals, DrMartens, POP CPH, Lunettes, Wood Wood, Howlin by Morrison, TangentGC, A.O.CMS, Daniel Wellington, Cornelia Webb, LM Parfums, Jardins d'ecrivains Parfums.
Furthermore on the Huidenstraat
- Rainkiss
- A New Day Amsterdam
- RUM Amsterdam
- Chocolaterie Pompadour
- Motel A Miio
- Gray Label
- ACE & TATE eye test
- République Store
- Beautés de la Nature
- Ace & Tate
- Nassen Delicatessen
- Polette
- Cleaning Shop Express
- Café de Pels
- Zivatu
- Profuomo
- Urban Cacao
- Lab. K
- Carla Palermo
- Beadies
- Zipper
- Hud
- Dae Bakery Café