Whether you want to shop vintage clothing, vintage designer bags, watches, designer pieces, or scope out antique furniture, the Nine Little Streets has it all. More
De 9 Straatjes stands for 3×3 cozy shoppingstreets and 4 canals between Raadhuisstraat en Leidsegracht. In the middle of the Unesco World Heritage Canal Belt. Packed with wonderful monuments and canal palaces. Just behind the Palace on Dam Square direction Singel. A delightful self-named area brimming with over 250 shops, eateries, hotels, museums and a vibrant historical ambience. See you soon! More
De 9 Straatjes (9 little streets) are well known for its great selection eateries. From modern and chic to jazzy or pure Dutch. So from an affordable menu to a stylish, romantic diner. Just behind Dam Square: 4 canals and 3 × 3 little streets. All around Wolvenstraat. Take a look: More
Staying at a hotel in De 9 Straatjes means staying in the world of the Unesco listed heritage canal belt. Along the 4 main canals of the nine streets area, Amsterdam’s most exciting shopping area. Hotels rich in history, housed in wonderful monuments and with the city’s best restaurants, museums and stores as your neighbors. See you soon! More
What The New York Times thinks about De 9 Straatjes, the 9 little streets? ‘Easily Amsterdam’s best shopping hub; a charming mixture of designer boutiques, art galleries, vintage clothing stores, gift shops and places to eat and drink.’ More
From Museum for Photography Huis Marseille and CulturehouseFelix Meritis at Keizersgracht. To Museum of the Canals and House Vasari at Herengracht. All in the Canal Belt, the most wonderful part of the city center. And: Unesco Worldheritage Amsterdam! More
Come over for the most special shops with wonderful fashion, gifts, jewelry, vintage, lightning, shoes & bags, home furnishings… And or for the best meals, wines, cheeses, flowers….
Or shop online and see https://de9straatjes.nl/nl/webshops… More
From Het GrachtenMuseum till Huis Marseille (photography). You will find it all in De 9 Straatjes: 3 × 3 little streets and 4 main canals Singel, Herengracht, Keizersgracht en Prinsengracht. All between Raadhuisstraat en Leidsegracht. Just behind Dam square. ‘It’s areas like this that really make you feel comfortable in Amsterdam.’ (Lonely Planet) Also on sundays! More
Shopping in the middle of the Canal Belt, in De 9 Straatjes, the area of the nine little streets and Singel, Herengracht, Keizersgracht en Prinsengracht. Just behind the Palace on Damsquare. Or on the way from Anne Frank to Rijksmuseum. It is a paradise for pedestrians and it offers a stunning overview of building styles from Amterdam golden century. ‘For that true taste of A’dam. Nine little streets that are big on personality.’ (NG) More
You won’t just find wonderfull shops, restaurants and bars in De 9 Straatjes. There is much more to discover in this versatile area. Along the main canals in De 9 Straatjes quarter, art was – and still is – practiced with a capital “A”. More
The 9 Streets is a collective name given to the nine cosy and picturesque shopping streets in the Unesco Heritage listed Amsterdam Canal Belt. These nine little streets run between Raadhuisstraat and Leidsestraat, just a few minutes walk behind the Royal Palace at the Dam Square. This little district with its small monumental shops forms a charming neighborhood with a great, bustling atmosphere. More